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Tips for Creating a 2020 Vision Board with Examples and Free Template

by Last updated May 26, 2020

Hi, today I’ll be talking about creating a vision board that works.

Have you created your vision board and set goals for this year yet? If you haven’t there is no better time than now to do just that.

While most business owners are dancing and celebrating the achievements of their business goals already, some other ones, without doubt, are yet to begin creating a vision board for their businesses.

Perhaps you are the one who hasn’t begun creating a vision board yet. Don’t be deterred by this, rather draw strength from the fact that no matter how you’ve performed so far, there is room for improvement.

Therefore, get set to create a vision board that will be key your business growth and productivity.

Creating a vision board helps you to keep your goals constantly at the top of your mind, this will imprint it into your being and make it more meaningful to you.

So spike up your success drive by creating a vision board that will work this year.

Vision board definition

A vision board is a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of one’s dream and desire, designed to serve as a source of motivation and inspiration.

Vision board are powerful tools for goals setting. Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill famously said: “Plan your plan and work your plan.”  This is exactly what you do with a vision board.

Unfortunately, some people believe vision boards don’t work, and I figured it’s because they do not misunderstand it.

Vision board is created on the power of visualization. It gives you a picture or image to focus on.

Visualisation is simply a mental rehearsal of the images you’ve created in your mind about how you want to become and what you want to achieve, that is your goals.

You keep repeating it, ie rehearsing it in your mind until you see yourself in that form. This is what the concept of a vision board is based on.

How does vision board work precisely?

 You create images and you keep looking at them, put up a process to become like the image until you begin to see yourself in that exactly like the image.

Let me explain the statement above better.

The key to visualising is to believe you are what you desire to be. It has to be in the present tense, not past tense nor future tense.

As hypocritical as this may be, your subconscious mind actually accepts it as the truth. And our subconscious mind plays a primary role in shaping our how we are.

Successfully utilizing the power of the subconscious mind (which in this case is this case is having and acting on our vision board) is the key to living a successful life.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality .”

— Earl Nightingale

What should be in your 2018 vision board?

#1. Set your goals.

Goals are what you want to achieve within a particular phrase of time. So you vision board should focus on how you want to be, how you want to do it…read my article on goal setting here

Also, in setting your goals include how you want to feel or maybe if you are running a business you want your customers to feel when they come across your brand.

There is no area of life you can’t consciously create a vision board for. For example, you could create a vision board for your diet, exercise, relationship, finance, work, self esteem, education …

#2. Inspirational and motivational notecards

These may include quote that will daily move you towards your goals.  To add vibes to it, you can also infuse it with your handwritten notes.

#3. Images

You will also need Images that symbolizes what you want to achieve, feel, or  the experience you  want to attract to your life. For example if you want to be a successful online business man, get the image of the person that inspires you in this regards on your vision board.

We did this a lot when we were much younger without having a real understanding of its power to shape us.  We had posters of our heroes on our walls and we only wanted to wear tee shirt and caps with their images.

The result was that we soon begin to speak like them, dress up like them and in some case look like them.

#4. Positive affirmations

That help you to overcome self sabotaging negative thoughts. These help you visualise yourself positively.

For example, affirmations like: I’m the best and the most sought after blogger in the food niche. Think of positive affirmation that helps you make positive changes towards your goals.

#5. Time frame

Give your vision board a time frame for execution. You could have  a vision board that represents the next six months, one year, two years,  or even ten years or more. The time frame you give your vision board depends entirely on what you are happy with and the resources available to you.

#6.You also need to write down the date you created your vision board.

#7. Make your vision board highly  visible

By placing it in a prominent place where you will not miss viewing it at least once a day.

I have heard people say they keep their vision board close to their bed or desk where they will be sure to see it every morning as they wake up and at night before going to be.

But, there are some other strategic areas where you can also keep your vision board. Examples of such areas are the bathroom mirror, your fridge, your lounge room wall and  your home office door or table.

The idea is to put it where you can view it as often as possible.

#8. Let’s not forget the board – it’s very important in creating a vision board

Where you write and paste images of your vision and goals. Any kind of board, a cork board,  poster board or magnetic board will do.


Creating a vision board does not have to be restricted to using papers only. You can create a digital copy of your vision board using VISUAPP. This makes it possible to take your vision board around in your pocket and visualise it anything.

With VisuApp all you need to do is simply find pictures of your dreams through your browser and save. To see these pictures you’ve saved you simply swipe it.

#9. The last but not the least is a  sticker machine.

This machine allows you  to turn cut out pictures into stickers to past on your vision board neatly without stress.

Now that you know the materials you need for creating a vision board, what next?

Choose your theme.

What do you want your board theme to be about? For example, your wedding day vision board, you holiday vision board, my next six months blogging goals, my home study vision board or financial goals.

Theme boards are vision boards that centre on specific events or areas of your life.

Based on the discoveries you’ve made after completing the above steps, it’s now time for you to decide what you want the focus of your vision board to be.

Don’t feel as though you must limit yourself to creating just one vision board to reflect all of your dreams. You can make as many separate vision boards as you want, each with a different focus.

Don’t feel as though you must limit yourself to creating just one vision board to reflect all of your dreams.

You can make as many separate vision boards as you want, each with a different focus.

You may also choose to have one central vision board with different categories of interest.

The good thing about creating a vision board is that there is no one rule fit all. Choose your vibe and move with it.

Vision Board Examples

So far, have you started creating your vision board?

If you haven’t it’s really easy to do,

Let’s grab a heap of different magazines, photos, inspiring quotes and start cutting and sticking, pinning glueing…whatever works for you!

My advice is to go nuts and cut out an image that really speaks to you and then cull.

False promises of what a vision board can guarantee

Now you know creating a vision board is the right way to turn your dreams into reality. It gives you focus and motivation. However, there is no scientific proof that it will guarantee success.

For you to attain success with a vision, you have to map out an action plan to achieve this dreams.

For you to attain success with a vision, you have to map out an action plan to achieve this dreams.

If you can dream it you can get it. If you can envision it, you can get it. But,

Dreams alone do not guarantee success, but when dreams are combined with actions success is guaranteed

There are times also that life throws obstacles in our paths and we are not able to achieve what we set out to. Try as we might we simply won’t be able to achieve all that we desire.

Don’t take it too hard on yourself. My advise is to review your dreams and set new goals. Read my article on achieving your goals.

I know we all have different opportunities in life, but no body is limited,

You are your own limitations.

I have included free vision board template to set.


By daily visualising the goals you set when creating a vision board, your subconscious mind registers it and you are more motivated to achieve it.

Vision boards lead you to create new habits and it takes time, hard work, dedication and patience to achieve these.

I hope you can cull your 2018 vision board from the post, examples and free templates.

Remember creating a vision board is good, but acting it is even better because your chances of achieving your set goals are greater.

No matter how beautiful your dreams are, if you do not take action, your net realizable gain is zero.

Be consistent in achieving your goals.Though it takes time, you will surely get there.

Unleash your potentials @ toc!

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