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How to know what to blog about

Blogging questions

how to know what to blog about

ARE You getting worried and on the verge of giving up not having any idea what to blog about?

This experience can be seriously FRUSTRATING. Sometimes it helps when you have someone to vent on. Unfortunately, not every one of us enjoys the luxury of doing that.

However, today I have a thrilling news for you. No matter what you’ve gone through trying to figure out what to blog about, put yourself together and let’s unravel this mystery together!

However, today I have a thrilling news for you. No matter what you’ve gone through trying to figure out what to blog about, put yourself together and let’s unravel this mystery together!

Before we do this I want to let you know the experience of not knowing what to blog about is not limited to would be bloggers alone, but also established bloggers.

Let’s face it, we all experience writer’s block at some point in our blogging journey.

When we’d have exhausted all we’ve lined up on our editorial calendar, and can’t come up with new topics to write on.

I have personally experienced this several times.

I believe you have also. And this has led you to research what to blog about.

The greatest strength I had to research what to blog about is my writer’s block experience. It almost threw me into a state of blogging paralysis.

As an experienced blogger, if you’re having this issue don’t get shy about it.

We all know how difficult it is to churn out blog post week in week out without fail.

I’ve therefore decided in this post to show you how I come up with blog topics ideas to fill my editorial calendar.

How to decide what to blog about if you have an existing blog.

  1. The number one strategy I use in coming up with topics to blog about is going back to the reason why I  started my blog.

If we are not careful, we sometimes derail from the purpose for which we started our blog in the first place.

Mind you, derailing from the purpose for which you started your blog may not always turn out bad.  Because some bloggers only find their purpose in the course of blogging.

Now, in this situation let’s assume you know your purpose.

If I may ask, “what is your purpose for blogging?”

Your purpose is the reason for your which you started your blog, and the audience you’re targeting.

The reason I started my blog (the online compass) is to learn and teach my readers how to start an online business.

My target audience is the complete novice or those that have started and are struggling in the business.
You may say my area of operation is too wide. You are totally correct there!

After all, the online business encompasses a lot. Such as… blogging, social media marketing, SEO (search engine optimization), email marketing, vblogging and e-commerce.

And unless you have the resources, especially manpower it’s going to be a difficult game playing in many fields at the same time.

That’s why I’ve decided to concentrate on teaching one aspect of the online business,  that’s how to start a blog.

Now with this, my focus is very clear. My target audience is, would be bloggers (this include entrepreneur that want to establish an online presence for their businesses), and those that have started but are struggling with their blogs.

How to know what to blog about

The more I break down the topic, the more I understand my audience, and consequently, the more I  have to write. Doing this has literally skyrocketed the chances of my post doing well. With this knowledge in hand, searching for content for my blog becomes a breeze. To recap this, if you’re able to define the purpose for your blog and your target audience, then you’ll definitely find it painless knowing what to blog about.

     2. Ask your readers what they want to know.

If you really want to provide real value to your readers…ask them!  If you have an email list, you could send them an email asking what their challenges are while assuring them you’re willing to help them out. I haven’t seen yet many distressed people that’ll turn down a kind offer of help.

If in your case, you don’t have an email list, you could ask your readers what their pain point are in the comment section of your blog. They will most definitely tell you. You should seriously consider starting an email list with all urgency. Your email list is your treasure in online business. You may want to start with this email service provider.

They have a free offer which you can take advantage of for now, especially if you’ve not started making money from your blog. They offer free premium services, which you’d otherwise pay for in some other places. This helps to save money while building your blog).


 3. Find out what successful bloggers in your niche are blogging about.

 This is not to say, copy them word for word. Rather, make a variation of the topic and use on your blog.

Another way to do this is to search for the most popular posts on your favourite blogs using buzzsumo.com. If you scan five to ten top blogs in your niche, you should be able to come up with a good number of ideas to blog about.

 4. Use content generator.

This will not only help your spark up some great ideas to know what to blog about but will also save time in creating content regularly. For example epicbeat, biteable and buzzsumo.

 5. Join social media groups

I belong to a couple of them and I get an enormous amount of information from them. You can ask your group for advice or suggestion as well. I ’ve compiled a list of facebook groups I belong to exclusively for my readers. GET IT HERE

6. Remember your problems.

Think through problems from your past and present, and this will help come up with what to blog about. You’ll find readers and bloggers with similar problems. Write about how you solved them, and if you haven’t quite solved them write on how far you’ve gone with it. People get inspired by reading what’s happening in other people’s life.

 7. Jump on trending topics

There are several ways to find what’s trending in your niche. For example, by using google trend. Put in different variations of your niche keyword into google trend search, it will show you the topics that trending in your chosen location.

You can also see the seasonality of your demand. Google trend is also good for estimating the relative popularity of your keywords. It shows you which keyword is more popular.

Social media is another place to jump on a well of topics to blog about. People are constantly throwing ideas into social media which are great sources to know what to blog about.

8. Check your google analytics.

Most people are getting traffic on their site without knowing the exact keyword that brought the traffic. Check the “queries section”: of your google analytics.to get the keywords. These keywords are ideas for new blog post.

Set queries in your google analytics

Here is how to do this; go to acquisition>search console >queries.

Use the advanced filter to filter out your company keyword. These are the keywords you are already ranking and can use for a new blog post.

Everything that your visitors type into that little search box on your blog can be seen in Analytics. To retrieve this information from google analytics: go to Behavior > Site Search > Search Terms and it shows what your visitors are searching for on your website.

9. Answer the public

I recently ran across a site called Answer the Public. It’s a goldmine of blog post ideas as well. What’s more exciting about answer the public is my ability to easily craft my subheadings with it.

10. Use your google keyword search tool.

The way to do this is to put in your any keyword in your niche in the search, and it will pull out a dizzying number of keywords you can generate your blog topics from.

If you’ve read this post this far, it might also interest you to read this also: 30 ideas to definitely know what to blog about


I hope you found this a great resource to know what to blog about.

What have I missed out? Tell me in the comment section.

More from the online compass

  1. Use these top ideas not to ever run out of blog content here.
  2. Have you been using google images on your blog? Are you using it correctly? In order to avoid being sued, read this.
  3. Get the best tips to make your blog successful here.

You’ve not started your blog yet? Read this…

  1.    If you’re still not sure whether to start a blog, these reasons will help your decision, read this.
  2.   My free step by step guide to starting your blog right away with no previous technical skills. Get it here.
  3.    I presume you want to make money from your blog. Let me teach how to here.


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