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How to Convert More Prospects into Sales with Bottom Funnel Marketing

Bottom-of-funnel marketing is about getting people who are almost ready to buy your product or service to actually make a purchase. These are called bottom-of-funnel leads. In this article, we will discuss how to convince these leads to become paying customers.

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Bottom of funnel marketing: How to turn prospects into sales<br />

Converting Bottom-of-Funnel Leads into Buyers

Bottom-of-funnel leads are important because they have already shown a lot of interest in what you offer. They are close to making a decision and buying from you. But just because they are close to buying doesn’t mean they will actually make a purchase. You need a strategy to convince them to take action.

To convert bottom-of-funnel leads, you need to use what you know about them,  and create content that persuades them to buy. You can do this by personalizing your messages to them, offering special deals, giving them detailed information about your product, and showing them proof that others have had a good experience with your product.

Bottom of funnel marketing strategies to convert prospects into sales

Bottom of funnel How to convert bottom of the funnel audience

Creating Conversion-Focused Content and Highlighting High-Value Offers.


When we talk about “high-value offers,” we mean the products or services that are most likely to attract customers and bring in a lot of money for your business. 

Now, “conversion-focused content” means the content that is designed to persuade or convince people to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. This content is created with the intention of getting people to convert from being a visitor or a lead to becoming a paying customer.

So, when you create content to convince people to buy, make sure you focus on these high-value offers. This is especially important when you pay to advertise your products.

By highlighting high-value offers in your conversion-focused content, you’re increasing. , you increase your chances of attracting customers who are interested in what you have to offer. This can lead to more sales and better results for your business.

In simple terms, bottom of funnel marketing is about turning potential customers into buyers. To do this, you need to personalise your messages, offer special deals, provide detailed information, and show social proof. Make sure you focus on your best products or services in your advertising to attract the right customers and grow your business.


Show case the extra benefit 0f your products 

Showcasing the extra benefits or advantages that your product or service has compared to your competitors. For instance, you could emphasize that your product is faster, better, newer, or more reliable than what your competitors offer.

You can also offer a premium option with additional benefits for a slightly higher price. This way, customers can choose between the standard offer and the upgraded, more valuable option.

By doing this, you provide customers with choices and the opportunity to get even more value from your product or service.

Let’s say you run a streaming service called “StreamFlix” that offers a wide range of movies and TV shows for a monthly subscription fee. Your standard offer is the “Basic Plan” priced at $10 per month, which allows users to access unlimited content.

However, you also have a premium option called the “Deluxe Plan” available for $15 per month. With the Deluxe Plan, customers not only get access to unlimited content but also enjoy some extra benefits:

  •  Early Access: Subscribers to the Deluxe Plan get early access to new movie releases and TV show episodes. They can watch them before they are available to Basic Plan subscribers or even non-subscribers.
  •  HD Streaming: The Deluxe Plan provides high-definition (HD) streaming quality, offering a sharper and more immersive viewing experience.
  • Ad-Free Experience: While Basic Plan subscribers might see occasional advertisements during streaming, Deluxe Plan subscribers enjoy an ad-free experience. No interruptions, just pure entertainment.

By offering the premium Deluxe Plan with these additional benefits for a slightly higher price, customers have a choice. They can stick with the Basic Plan for $10 and still enjoy unlimited content, or they can opt for the Deluxe Plan at $15 to gain early access, HD streaming, and an ad-free experience.

This way, customers can choose the plan that suits their preferences and budget. Some may find the extra benefits of the Deluxe Plan worthwhile and be willing to pay a little more for an upgraded, more valuable streaming experience.

Offering a premium option with additional benefits gives customers the flexibility to choose between a standard offer and an upgraded option with enhanced features, allowing them to tailor their experience based on their preferences and willingness to pay.

Using High-Intent Keywords for Effective Bottom-of-Funnel Marketing

When you’re creating content that are meant to target people who are ready to buy, it’s important to use urgency keywords.

Choose keywords that indicate high intent or urgency. These are words or phrases that people use when they are ready to buy. Examples include “buy now,” “get a quote,” or “sign up today.”

Urgency keywords are words that create a sense of urgency or immediate need. There are two main reasons for using these keywords:

  1. People at the Bottom of the Funnel: If someone has reached the bottom of your sales funnel, it means they are likely ready to make a purchase. They are actively looking for a quick solution, and you want to position yourself as the fastest and best option for them.

2. Competitor Competition: Your competitors are also aware of these urgency keywords. They have access to the same tools and research, so they are likely using them too. To stay ahead of the competition and not lose potential customers, it’s crucial to be proactive and incorporate these keywords before they do. By doing so, you can attract and capture the attention of ready-to-buy customers, increasing your close rate and optimizing your sales funnel.

Other examples of urgency keywords include phrases that convey a sense of urgency or have a clear call to action, such as:

  • Limited Time Offer
  • Act Now
  • Last Chance
  • Sale Ends Soon
  • Only X Left in Stock
  • Get It Today

In conversion-focused marketing, using urgency keywords can significantly impact your success in targeting prospects who are ready to make a purchase.

By using these types of keywords in your content and ads, you create a sense of urgency in your potential customers and increase the likelihood of them choosing your product or service over the competition.

In simple terms, using urgency keywords in your PPC ads helps attract ready-to-buy customers and stay ahead of your competitors who may be targeting the same audience. These keywords create a sense of urgency and prompt people to take action quickly.


Using Effective Strategies for Ads in Targeting Bottom-of-Funnel Conversions

To effectively target people in the final stages of their purchase decision, it’s crucial to Craft your ad messaging to highlight the unique value and benefits of your product or service. Clearly communicate why your offering is the best solution and differentiate yourself from the competition.

  • Include Strong Call-to-Action: A call-to-action (CTA) is a prompt that tells people what action to take next. Use compelling CTAs in your ads, such as “Shop Now,” “Request a Demo,” or “Limited Time Offer.” This motivates people to click on your ad and take the desired action.
  • Use Ad Extensions: Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that you can include with your ads. They provide extra details and make your ads more informative and persuasive. Examples of ad extensions include customer reviews, site links, or call buttons.
  • Target Relevant Audiences: Use audience targeting features available in the advertising platform to reach people who are most likely to convert. You can target based on demographics, interests, or previous website visitors (remarketing).
  • Test different variations of ad copy, CTAs, and targeting options to see what works best. Optimise your ads based on the data and insights you gather.

By incorporating power words and striking creatives into your ads, you can evoke emotions, capture attention, and increase the likelihood of viewers engaging and taking desired actions. These elements work together to make your ads more persuasive and compelling, driving bottom-of-funnel conversions and boosting your advertising success.

Here’s an example to illustrate the use of power words and striking creative in a PPC ad.

Let’s say you run an online clothing store and you’re creating a PPC ad to promote a limited-time sale on your latest collection of summer dresses. Here’s how you can incorporate power words and striking creative:

  1. Power Words: Include words that evoke excitement and a sense of urgency. For instance:

“Shop our Exclusive Summer Collection Now!” “Unbeatable Prices on Trendy Summer Dresses!” “Hurry, Limited Time Offer – Get Your Perfect Dress Today!”

These power words like “exclusive,” “unbeatable,” and “limited time” make the offer sound enticing and create a sense of urgency. They grab attention and motivate people to take action before the sale ends.

  1. Striking Creative: Use visually appealing imagery and design elements to make your ad stand out. For example:

Include high-quality images of models wearing your summer dresses in beautiful outdoor settings or against vibrant backgrounds. The images should showcase the unique features of the dresses, such as their patterns, colours, or flowy designs.

Use bold and contrasting colours to make your ad visually striking. Choose colours that are relevant to the summer theme and evoke positive emotions associated with the season, such as bright yellows, blues, or pinks.

Incorporate eye-catching elements like arrows, banners, or icons to draw attention to the sale or specific deals. For instance, use a countdown timer to emphasise the limited-time nature of the offer.

By combining power words like “exclusive” and “limited time” with visually striking creative, you create an ad that grabs attention, triggers emotions, and motivates viewers to click and explore your summer dress collection.

Remember, the goal is to make your ad stand out among others and make people feel excited about the offer. Using power words and striking creatives helps you achieve that, driving engagement and ultimately boosting your sales.

Identifying High-Intent Prospects at the Bottom of the Funnel

Even after a BoFu lead has shown interest, it’s important to follow up and stay engaged. Use email marketing or retargeting ads to remind them of your offerings and encourage them to convert.

High-intent retargeting

This is referring to targeting customers who are already very interested in what you offer. These customers are at the bottom of your marketing funnel, meaning they are close to making a purchase or taking the desired action

To identify these customers, use google analytics to look for specific behaviours they exhibit on your website:

  1. Visiting Pricing Pages: If customers repeatedly visit your pricing page and spend time researching your offers, it indicates strong interest in your products or services.
  2. Engagement and Time Spent: Customers who spend more time on your website compared to regular visitors are showing a higher level of engagement. They may be reading your blog posts or exploring different sections of your site.
  3. Blog Readers: If customers regularly read your blog but haven’t made a purchase yet, it suggests they are interested in your content and brand, but need an extra push to convert.

Once you’ve identified these valuable leads, it’s essential to implement a retargeting strategy to stay engaged with them. Utilise email marketing or retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or PPC advertising to remind them of your offerings and encourage them to convert. By retargeting customers who have already shown strong interest, you significantly increase the likelihood of them becoming paying customers.


Use highly optimised landing pages 

To convert bottom-of-the-funnel leads, you can use highly optimized landing pages. Landing pages are specific web pages designed to capture leads or encourage a desired action, like making a purchase or signing up for a service. Here’s how it works:

Because these leads are in the final stages of the buying process. This landing pages are designed to appeal to these bottom-of-the-funnel leads and convert them into customers. 

They are optimised to provide the right information, create a compelling offer, and make it easy for leads to take action.

The content on the landing page should be focused, clear, and directly related to what the lead is looking for. It should address their specific needs, highlight the benefits of your product or service, and showcase why choosing your offering is the right decision.

  •  Use clear call to action

A Clear Call-to-Action (CTA) is like a signpost that tells people what they should do next. It’s a straightforward and easy-to-understand instruction that prompts them to take a specific action.

For example, imagine you’re reading a webpage about a product you’re interested in. The Clear Call-to-Action might be a big button that says “Buy Now” or a form where you can enter your email address to receive more information. The purpose of the CTA is to guide you on what step to take if you’re interested in the product.

The CTA should be simple, direct, and visible so that people can easily spot it and know what action to take. It’s designed to make it clear and convenient for people to do something, like making a purchase, signing up, or requesting more details.

In a nutshell, a Clear Call-to-Action is a clear and straightforward instruction that tells people what to do next. It helps them understand how to take the desired action, making it easier for them to engage with your website, product, or service.

By continuously testing and optimizing these landing pages, you can increase your chances of converting bottom-of-the-funnel leads into customers.

Remember, the goal is to create a seamless and persuasive journey for your leads, guiding them towards the final step of making a purchase or taking the desired action.

Include your sales team or personally reaching out to leads

Including your sales team means having a group of individuals who are trained and focused on closing deals with your BoFu audience. They can provide a personal touch and human interaction that digital ads alone cannot match. This can be especially valuable when dealing with customers who are close to making a purchasing decision.

If your business has the capacity to employ a sales team, they can engage with potential customers, answer their questions, address concerns, and provide personalized guidance to help them make a confident purchase. This direct interaction can build trust and further motivate customers to choose your product or service.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a sales team, you can still make efforts to reach out to leads personally if you have their contact details. This can be done through email or phone calls to provide personalized assistance and ensure that you are staying on top of their minds during the decision-making process.

By combining a well-planned advertising campaign with frequent interactions between your marketing team and sales department, you can maintain a consistent and coordinated approach. This helps to nurture leads, keep them engaged, and ultimately encourage them to make a purchase.

We can help

Leveraging SEO and organic content marketing

Bottom-of-funnel marketing

You can help you target bottom-of-the-funnel customers, enhance their purchase decision process, and reduce reliance on paid advertising.

  1. Creating landing Pages: Just like you create landing pages for paid ads, you can also create landing pages for your organic content. These pages are designed to provide more detailed information and convince customers to choose your product or service.
  2. What to Include on These Pages: On these pages, you can include information from your pricing page, success stories from satisfied customers, and the unique benefits of your product. You can also address common problems your customers have and show how your solution solves them. Additionally, you can use videos, social media feeds, and product comparison tables to make your page more engaging.
  3. Repurposing Successful Content: You can take content that has performed well in both paid ads and organic campaigns and use it across different channels. This helps you get the most out of your content and reach a wider audience



By Leveraging the power of bottom-of-funnel marketing,businesses can effectively guide potential customers through the final stages of their decision-making process and increase the likelihood of converting them into paying customers



At Online Compass, we specialize in helping struggling business owners transform their frustration into inbox full of ready-to-convert customers.

We are a digital marketing agency that uses a variety of strategies to help businesses generate leads and convert them into customers. Our strategies include but not limited to:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): We help you improve your website’s ranking in search results, so that more potential customers can find you.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: We create and manage PPC campaigns that drive targeted traffic to your website.
  • Content marketing: We create high-quality content that attracts and engages potential customers.
  • Social media marketing: We help you build a following on social media and use it to promote your business.
  • Email marketing: We help you create and send email campaigns that convert leads into customers.
  • Coaching: We offer coaching to help you develop a digital marketing strategy that is right for your business.

We also offer a FREE 30-minute consultation to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you grow your business.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, contact us today @ +234 9155243984  (WhatsApp) to schedule a FREE consultation.

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